Too Many Words: What We Say

I’ve been thinking a lot about words lately. Not specific words, but just the excess quantity of them.   We’re surrounded: in addition to our own talk, we’re inundated with the internet, social media, the 24-hour news cycle, and on and on. You know all this. It sometimes feels like we’re waging a losing battle against all the noise. There are two different categories of words to consider: those we speak, and those…

Why Bother with Church When I Can’t Focus?

It’s happened more than once. Way more than once. I will be standing in church during the Divine Liturgy, singing the responses, crossing myself, and literally going through the motions, but my mind is a million miles away. I’m filled with worry, with grief, with stress over my to-do list.  My heart might be heavy, or simply numb. Or, I just can’t focus. I’m sure you’ve been there too. The list of…